Clause 3 – How to understand the definition of “battery-operated appliance”

(IEC 60335-1 Ed. 5.1) battery-operated appliance: appliance deriving its energy from batteries enabling the appliance to perform its intended function without a mains connection.
(IEC 60335-1 Ed. 6)battery-operated appliance: appliance deriving its energy from batteries enabling the appliance to perform its intended function without a supply connection
Note 1 to entry: A battery-operated appliance can have a supply connection.
Standards prior to version 5.1 did not have definitions for battery-operated appliance.

There is no mention of battery-operated appliances in the first clause-scope) of the standard prior to version 5.0.
More and more products will be powered by batteries. This is especially true for personal care products, including razors, hair stylers, etc. Battery operated appliances are mainly appliances that can only derive energy from a battery. The battery can be a rechargeable battery, a dry cell battery, and the battery can be installed in the contents of the appliance or placed in a battery box. It should be emphasized that the appliance is not capable of obtaining electrical energy through a supply connection. A supply connection includes a connection to supply mains or a connection to a solar panel. Batteries can be supplied via a connection to supply mains or a connection to a solar panel.
In version 5.1, the term “mains connection” is used to refer to municipal power supply. In version 6.0, the term used was changed to “supply connection”, and there is a comment in the redline version of the standard that explains that “supply connection” includes a connection to supply mains or a connection to a solar panel.

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